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4th September 2014
Professional Indemnity Renewal (PII) 2014
As we come to the mid-point of the PII season, I thought I would review how things are going. Anecdotally is appears that the SRA’s mooted reduction of limits of indemnity (LOI) to £500,000 has led to firms holding off renewing at the usual £2/£3,000,000 perhaps anticipating premium reductions. As we all know this is […]
Read More27th August 2014
The law of unintended consequence or the ECHR and justice
Coventry and others v Lawrence and another (No 2) 2014 UKSC 46 (Article 6 of the ECHR, the right to a fair trial). The case of Coventry has caused a bit of a stir and alarm, probably only momentarily! With the Supreme Court looking at the recoverability of CFAs and ATE premiums, what does […]
Read More3rd July 2014
Clinical Negligence (again!)
The AvMA conference in Brighton last weekend was a great success. Thank you to everyone who came to see us, who asked questions, asked for more information and put their card in the draw for a bottle of Bollinger. (See our tweet of the 2nd for the lucky winner.) The recurring theme in all our […]
Read More19th June 2014
Times, they are a changing
It’s a funny old world. The iconic Lloyd’s building in Lime Street (London not Liverpool) is now owned by the Chinese. This is a grade one listed building, occupied by Lloyd’s of London,rumours abound in the London Insurance Market that Lloyd’s are looking for a new home. First thing that springs to mind, what will […]
Read More12th June 2014
QLP’s recipe page How to create the perfect Professional Indemnity Application
We have all seen the cookery shows on the telly, perfect recipes cooked to perfection (mostly!). Well we can look at Professional Indemnity Insurance in the same light, before we start to cook our recipe, we need to look at the ingredients. There are two parts to the process: Insurers – come in two flavours, […]
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